GP Wordmark
Introducing the Global Payments
eCommerce Portal!
As part of our constant efforts to improve products and services for our clients, Global Payments has replaced RealControl with the enhanced eCommerce Portal.

Your data has automatically been transferred to the new Portal, and you will be able to access your account using your existing credentials and following the steps to reset your password.
GP screenshot
What do I need to do?
To access the new application, follow these 3 steps:
  1. Confirm your Existing Username & Password
  2. Personalise your account
  3. Create a New Password
Already completed this? Sign in!
Sign In with Existing
Username & Password
Let's start with your existing username and password. These are the same credentials you use to access RealControl.
This is the same username that you used to access RealControl in the format of either clientID or clientID!username

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